
TERLOPONG Mamak Tu Bila Aku Cakap Tolong Buang Botol Yang Kat Atas Tu Dan Perempuan Tu Sekali


Usah pelik dan usah tidak percaya , semua ini sememangnya ada berlaku . Bukan sahaja di kedai mamak, kedai mana-mana pun ada juga cuma caranya berbeza. Ambil ikhtibar atas kejadian ini, dan peringatan juga kepada pemilik kedai makan agar tidak melakukan perbuatan ini. Yakinlah pada rezeki yang Allah tetapkan untuk kita.

Keluar ke tempat lain pulalah. Tetapi ke mana? Kedai mamak di sini, memang bersepah tapi ke mana hala yang paling dekat dan cepat? Bukan nak makan sangat pun, cuma nak minum saja. Dapat teh tarik halia kaw pun dah sedap.

Tiba-tiba teringat pada satu kedai yang pernah dicadangkan oleh seorang kawan bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Baik, boleh cuba di situ. Lebih kurang 10 minit saja pun kalau memandu.


Sampai di kedai, jam menunjukkan 12.30 tengah malam. Punyalah ramai manusia. Hampir kesemua tempat penuh.

Hmmm? Dia orang ni tak reti nak tidur ke? Esok tak kerja kot?

Duduk dan order. Mak aiii! Minah yang ambil order ini, mukanya, manis lagi cuka. Comelnya boleh tahanlah juga. Bak kata orang, sebagai penyeri kedai. Tetapi kalau muka dah kelat dan ketat, pergi mana pun takkan berseri.

Sementara menunggu minuman yang dipesan sampai, mata mula meliar sekeliling memerhatikan kedai. Entah kenapa tiba-tiba terlihat satu botol kecil diselitkan di siling penjuru pintu masuk kedai. Hati dah mula resah, mula menggaru kepala yang tidak gatal.

Kepala didongakkan lagi. Di penjuru satu lagi, terlihat lembaga perempuan berjubah hitam, tengah bertenggek di atas alang. Matanya tajam memerhatikan setiap pelanggan yang datang. Rambutnya mengerbang seperti yang kita selalu lihat dalam kaca tv.

Wajahnya, harimau tengok pun boleh pengsan. Terkopek sana sini, badannya dihayun-hayun bagai meratip. Apa yang diratipkan pun tak jelas. Sesekali apabila pelanggan baru masuk, tangannya akan dijuntaikan menyentuh kepada pelanggan.

Ini tehnya. Makan? Tak mahu?, tanya seorang pelayan kedai itu sambil menghentak cawan yang berisi air teh.

Kepala digelengkan. Baru kerja sebagai pelayan dah berlagak. Sudahlah duit pelanggan itu yang digunakan untuk membayar gajinya, tetapi melayan orang macam pengemis meminta sedekah.

Petua orang tua, apabila makan di luar, lagakan lidah ke lelangit. Kalau geli, barulah boleh diminum. Raba juga bawah bekas minuman atau makanan. Jika minuman itu panas dan bawahnya sejuk atau sebaliknya, bermaksud ada sesuatu yang diletakkan. Setelah itu, bacalah selawat dan doa makan.

Ketika tangan dihulur ke arah mug, entah bagaimana kedengaran bunyi cawan yang merekah. Tidak sampai 10 saat, tiba-tiba cawan terbelah dan air teh melimpah. Sedikit lagi air panas itu terkena pada seluar. Kepala diangkat dan mata tepat merenung ke arah lembaga itu tadi.

Lembaga itu berayun sekali lagi seperti monyet di dalam kandang. Mamak di kaunter cepat-cepat berlari dan tanya apa yang berlaku. Kepala digeleng sambil membayar duit teh tadi. Tetapi bayaran ditolak dengan alasan air tidak diminum dan mahu digantikan dengan minuman yang lain.

Hmm, tak perlulah ganti. Biarlah,

Tetapi sebelum keluar, sempat berpesan kepada mamak itu.

Tolong buang botol yang kat atas tu dan perempuan tu sekali, sambil jari menunjuk ke arah siling.

Mamak itu seolah-olah terkejut bila ada orang tahu akan muslihat pelarisnya.

Sebaik saja keluar dari kedai itu, terasa ada benda yang mengekori. Toleh ke kiri, kelihatan perempuan berjubah hitam itu tadi sedang mengekori. Nampaknya, tak dapat nak balik ke rumah terus. Mahu tak mahu, kaki terpaksa melangkah ke arah sebuah lagi kedai mamak.

Teh tarik halia dipesan dan ditambah dengan air mineral dan limau nipis. Badan menghadap ke belakang kedai, limau diperah ke dalam air mineral. Beberapa surah dibacakan beserta doa untuk keselamatan. Setelah menghabiskan air teh halia, kaki pelahan menuju ke arah kereta.

Bulu roma kembali tegak. Rupanya benda itu masih lagi mengekori.

Pelahan-lahan botol mineral dibuka dan air dimasukkan ke dalam mulut. Walaupun tidak kelihatan, namun deria keenam terasa bagaikan ada tangan yang ingin mencapai tengkuk. Semakin lama, semakin rapat.

Badan dikalih ke kiri dan serentak air dihembur keluar ke arah makhluk itu. Mungkin kerana terkejut, lembaga itu terus melompat ke arah lampu jalan raya dan terus bertenggek. Campuran air mineral dan limau disimpan. Beberapa pelanggan yang menyaksikan kejadian itu memandang pelik.

Buat tak tahu je lah

Bukan ini lembaga yang mengekori, tetapi hampir sama tanpa sabit panjang.

Langkah dipercepatkan ke arah kereta dan dengan pantas menghidupkan engin. Mata terus memandang lampu jalan. Ya, lembagai perempuan itu mash di situ. Bagai menunggu arahan tuannya.

Sepanjang perjalanan ke rumah, hati bertanya, apakah teruk sangat perniagaannya sehingga memerlukan bantuan daripada luar? Jika dilihat, pelanggannya memang ramai. Beberapa bulan dahulu pernah makan di sini dan ternyata juadahnya memang enak!

Apakah ketamakkan telah mengabui matanya? Wallahuaalam..

The 6 secrets of cheap car insurance quotes

How to use car insurance firms’ own tricks against them to lower your car insurance premium and get a cheaper quote – 6 secrets revealed

Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.

Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.

That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.

But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.

1. Use the right job title

If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.

Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.

Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.

2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy

Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.

Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.

3. Never leave it till the last minute

Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.

Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.

4. Get some cash back

Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.

Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.

5. Pay up front

Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.

6. Cut your extras and boost your excess

GettyCar Insurance Car CrashGet cheaper car insurance without changing your car

Sometimes car insurance premiums make sense. People living in places with more car crime or who have more expensive cars pay more, for example. But they’re far from the only thing insurers up your premium for.

Insurers have gone as far as working out surgeons normally have more accidents where they were to blame than any other profession and building society clerks the fewest. They know Virgos were worst for accidents last year, but Pisceans had more convictions.

That means they will up your premium based on age, sex, job, post code and where you park park as well as what you drive.

But car insurance providers don’t have to have to have it all their own way weve found six ways to get cheaper car insurance that theyd really rather you didnt know.

1. Use the right job title

Phil Harris / Daily MirrorClemie Moody Masterchef

If you describe yourself as a chef when filling in your car insurance application your average quote is 98 higher than if you write kitchen staff comparison site GoCompare.com found and its not just cooks that have this problem.

Music teachers pay 86 more than teachers, office managers pay more than office administrators, and construction workers pay more than builders who in turn pay more than bricklayers.

Basically, if your job fits in more than one category, check car insurance quotes are for all of them before applying. For more on how your job affects your car insurance, check out GoCompares guide . And if youre a full time parent or retired make absolutely sure you check that box and not unemployed it could save you almost 300.

2. Add another more experienced driver to the policy

CatersA woman will have to grin and BEAR a fine – after attempting to use a giant TEDDY to beat traffic. The female driver, 19, placed a giant bear in the passenger seat of her car in the hope it would allow her to use a 2+ lane.Not all drivers get you a discount

Its a crime to say someone who isnt the main driver of a car is, but adding a secondary driver is perfectly legal – and more than that, it can save you money.

Get their permission first, then add an experienced driver with a clean driving license and decent no-claims history to your insurance.

3. Never leave it till the last minute


Searching around and switching car insurance three weeks before your renewal date, rather than on the day, saves you an average of 280, comparison site Comparethemarket found with even bigger savings available for younger drivers.

Oh, and make absolutely sure you do compare and switch figures from Moneysupermarket.com show almost 6 million drivers just accept their auto-renewal quote costing them 113 a year.

4. Get some cash back


Comparison sites make money because when you switch products with them they get a referral fee from the insurer. But if youre clever, you can get that money yourself.

Topcashback is offering up to 110.25 cashback when you switch through them. Once youve compared prices and found which deal is cheapest, head over to one of them and see if you can get an even better deal by switching through the cashback site.

5. Pay up front

Butter StickSometimes spreading isn’t clever

Did you know that many insurers charge interest on your payments if you spread the cost over the year? Well, they do. an average of 62 more Moneysupermarket worked out. So if at all possible, pay up front.

6. Cut your extras and boost your excess

SWNSScrappage Scheme

Whats included in your car insurance quote? Breakdown cover? Windscreen cover? Theft from the car? Driving abroad? Personal accident cover? A courtesy car? Every extra adds to the premium. More than that, a lot of them might already be covered by things like your travel insurance, AA membership, home insurance or even your bank account.

Double check youre not double paying and then look to see if you really need these extras. Oh, and you need to check how much excess there is on your policy. This is how much you have to pay yourself when making a claim. The lower the excess the higher the car insurance, so work out how what you can afford to pay in the case of an accident and set your excess to that even 50 can make a difference.

And of course….

These will all lower your quote, but to pay less make sure you’ve compared car insurance providers too.

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Sumber: penhijaudaun

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